
Under Deuteronomist a whole school of Judaic theologians summarizes the particularly stressed monotheism.

On the one belongs to the author of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of Moses, who lived in the early Babylonian exile, was perhaps already involved in the reform temple under Josiah. Documents name as YHWH of Hebron, and the results of archeology that YHWH in the regal period had at other places as Jerusalem, Temple, wrote the Deuteronomic theology exclusively Jerusalem before Tempelort. Also side gods in Elephantine the Persian period still had their place alongside and under YHWH, were banned altogether. This marks the transition from henotheism to monotheism. Other gods and places of worship, such as the BC were in Bethel and Shechem already under Josiah in the 7th century have been banned and looped.

Secondly, the deuternonomistische editor is mentioned, which the Pentateuch and the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings the purposes of this theology edited (see Deuteronomistisches historical work ). The books of the prophets, especially Jeremiah, experienced a Deuteronomistic revision.

The Deuteronomist wrote in spätexilischer and especially frühnachexilischer time and formed the leading group among the returnees from exile. No longer the sacred king, as in the period of the kings of Israel and Judah, nor the priests were carriers of religion, but the people of God themselves stand in the time of the first editors of the books, the days of Josiah, even the unification of the tribes, including Canaanite groups in the foreground, go to the Deuteronomic theology demands for exclusion of the Canaanites to their destruction, returned. But the main theme of the Deuteronomist is the story of the kingdom as a history of apostasy from God. The function of elders is rated higher compared to the zadokidischen hereditary priesthood, just as the Torah as a law against the cult.

The juxtaposition of party Deuteronomic and priestly party marks the transition from ancient Israelite too early Jewish religion. In later times these developed the parties of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
