Deutsche Schule der Borromäerinnen Alexandria

The German school of Borromäerinnen in Alexandria is a German - Egyptian meeting school that is supported by the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne personally and financially. It is primarily attended by Egyptian girls who are partially Muslim, some Christian faith. School authorities are the Sisters of Charity of St.. Charles Borromeo, based in Abbey County.

The German school of Borromäerinnen in Alexandria was founded in 1884 and was initially a school for German and Austrian, whose fathers were employed in the construction of the harbor at Alexandria. With the expansion of the range of pupils a curriculum according to the pattern of a higher school for girls was introduced in 1894.

After the expulsion of the German sisters in the First World War they took in 1922 in Alexandria back to work. Since 1924 they are supported by teachers switched from Germany.

After the Second World War, the school also took on Egyptian Arabic degrees and became an official subject. In 1956, the first examination for GCSE was conducted at the school. In 1967, students submitted the first time from the Egyptian Thanawaya Amma test ( Egyptian High School ).

Since 1980, the German school in Alexandria is the Borromäerinnen a recognized German school abroad, leading to a recognized German exam ( German secondary school certificate ). In 1993, the German Abitur examination was introduced in 2007 completed the first students for the first time a German secondary school examination.

The German school offers lessons in the year 2009 from elementary school through high school or secondary school for pupils from Alexandria. There is a kindergarten and a preschool, which must be visited in the rule of Egyptian students before they are included in the first grade. Language of instruction is German in most subjects. Only in Arabic, Arab History and the Catholic religion classes are conducted in Arabic.

The school teachers from Germany and Egypt to teach in a holding located in Old Town Alexandria 19th century. A new building on the outskirts is planned. Currently around 800 students attend the German school of Borromäerinnen in Alexandria.

From September 2008 to July 2011 Dr. Hubert Müller was headmaster at the DSB Alexandria. Since August 2011, directs Wolfgang skimmed the DSB Alexandria.
