
Diacamma rugosum

Diacamma is an ant genus from the subfamily of Urameisen ( Ponerinae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature


The members of this genus are quite large and continuously dyed black. The Stielchenglied ( petiole ) bears on the top two conspicuous spines. In Diacamma there is no gynomorphen queens, but the reproduction is taken over by a mated worker, the so-called GamersGate.


All newly hatched animals show the mesosoma to the front pair of legs the Gemmae ( "jewels" ). It is small, reddish appendages instead of the wings. All kittens are able to lay eggs and could theoretically take over the reproductive role. In the colony however, there is only one dominant female, which the other animals active mutilated by biting off them Gemmae. It reserves the reproductive function as GamersGate, while the absence of Gemmae with the other animals, the degeneration of the reproductive organs and this result thus become sterile workers. The GamersGate is therefore easily be distinguished on the basis of Gemmae by the workers in which these appendages are missing and instead have a pocket-like indentation. Otherwise, the functional queen ( GamersGate ) and the workers look identical.


Worldwide, 25 species have been described. They come from the East Indies through Southeast Asia to Australia before.

Way of life

The nests are laid above ground in loose inventory waste, gravel or other loose material. Also, hollow trees and bamboo stalks are used, but often sites are populated only temporary. Frequent nest relocation are possible. Rare Forms large soil nests, so can a colony but in the right conditions remain loyal site over the years.

The representatives of Diacamma feed primarily predatory and carrion. As for the typical Urameisen number of individuals in a colony with a maximum of 100 to 200 animals is rather low.


Among others, the following species belong to the genus Diacamma (selection):

  • Diacamma australe
  • Diacamma colosseense
  • Diacamma leve
  • Diacamma schoedli

