
DialogOS is a graphical development environment for dialogue systems, ie computer systems that communicate via voice input and voice output with people. The program will be commercially developed and distributed by the CLT Language Technology GmbH.

Besides the integration of speech recognition and voice output DialogOS has a programming interface to latch external devices in the dialog system. Included is an integration for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT. With a little Java knowledge but one can program a bridge to any other software modules or external hardware.

DialogOS is among other things used in schools and universities in computer science classes to teach basic principles of human-machine communication and dialogue designs.

Mindstorm NXT support

DialogOS can control the robot LEGO Mindstorms NXT series directly. From DialogOS following NXT sensors are directly usable:

  • Sound sensor
  • Ultrasonic sensor
  • Pressure contact sensor
  • Light sensor