Die Hydronauten

The Hydronauten is a German - French animated series from the year 2003. It is based on the grass lion, a role model for children to bring their closely the issue of environmental protection.


The aliens Neptuna traveled together with the seal and seagull Ponto Balty the oceans. They learn a lot about the sea and how sensitive is this ecosystem.


The name Hydronauten was formed on the basis of the word astronaut, where the ancient Greek word astron (star ) was replaced by the also ancient Greek Hydro for water.

Production and publication

The series was produced until 2003 by Epidem, Millimages Toons'n'Tales on behalf of Ki.Ka, NDR and France 5. Directed by Udo Beissel and the music composed Nils Kacirek, Christian Mevs and Lars Lohn. The first broadcast took place from 13 September to 6 December 2003 KI.KA. These were followed by repeats at ARD and Hessischer Rundfunk. The series was also broadcast in France and Finland.
