Diet of Bosnia

The parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina was from 1910 to 1915 the state legislature in 1908 annexed by Austria - Hungary Ottoman territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


After the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 due to the Berlin Congress, no representation of the people has been set up above the municipal level. Bosnia and Herzegovina were only de facto but not de jure part of Austria -Hungary, as the two regions de jure still belonged to the Ottoman Empire.

With the proclamation to the Bosnian people hercegovinische of 7 October 1908 formally proclaimed by the Emperor, the annexation. In this proclamation to enact a constitution and the establishment of a parliament was announced.

After the settlement of the Bosnian annexation crisis and after negotiations the governments in Vienna and Budapest, the monarch issued on 17 February 1910 made its own absolute power ( and without any other organ of the state as the default encoder to mention ) a state statute ( the state constitution including fundamental rights of citizens ), a state election order, a parliamentary Rules of Procedure, an association law, a meeting law and a law on the district councils.

This very highest resolution was the basis for selection and activity of the Landtag. In § § 21 to 40 of the country's Statute, the organization of the parliament was, in § § 41 to 49 whose skills have been described.


The Diet consisted in accordance with § 22 of 20 members with Virilstimmen and 72 elected members. Virilstimmen initially had the highest dignitaries of the main denominations. These were for the Muslims of the rice -el -Ulema, the Vakuf - Mearif director, the Mufti of Sarajevo and Mostar, as well as the appointment by oldest Mufti. The Orthodox were represented by the Metropolitan of Dolnja - Tuzla, Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka, as well as the President of the Supreme Serbian administration and school board. The Virilstimmen of Catholics attended the Archbishop of Sarajevo (this was 1910-1915 Josef Stadler ), the bishops of Mostar ( see Bishopric of Mostar Ratko Peric and Banja Luka (see Diocese of Banja Luka and the two Provincial of the Franciscan Order true.

The choice of the 72 all-male MPs was performed according to the 1910 adopted by the monarch state election order by men in three Kurien ( as was also in the Austrian state legislatures the case) and separated according to religious affiliation.

18 MPs were determined by the Curia of the large landowners, 20 of the municipalities and 34 of the rural communities. Inside the Curia the mandates of religious groups corresponded to their proportion of the population. In the first eight Curia Orthodox, six Muslims and three Catholics were represented. In the other two Kurien chose the Orthodox 23, 18 Muslims, 12 Catholics and the Sephardim a deputy.

The Diet was chosen from 18 to 28 May 1910. On 15 June, the inaugural meeting was held. The Diet should be called " the rule" once a year ( § 26).

The parliament presidium consisted of the President and two deputies, who were appointed by the Emperor from the middle of the Landtag. All three religious groups were represented in the Bureau.

The Diet was to the legislative competence with respect to the provincial legislature; the matters were listed in the country's statute (§ § 41 and 42). He had the budget law. The state government was not elected by the state legislature, as (see National Committee ) was provided in Austria, but determined by the Joint Finance. Laws requiring the validity of the consent of the governments in Vienna and Budapest.

Laws passed by the parliament

The Diet decided in 1910, only two laws, one of which, with the state government was authorized to suspend the citizens' fundamental rights enshrined in the country's statute for a period to be determined and to be determined part of the country. 1911 to 1914 the state legislature decided each 12 to 20 laws, in total during its functional life total of 65 laws. After the closure of the Diet enacted the Emperor, Having regard to the statutes, the laws of its own absolute power.

End of the Landtag

The assassination attempt on June 28, 1914 had consequences for the country's parliament. While the President of the Parliament stood up for a continuation of the work to the exclusion of the Serbian parliament deputies, the state government, the sixth session of the Diet on July 9, 1914 tentatively decided to close. At the request of the Government of the State Parliament was finally dissolved with the highest resolution of 6 February 1915.

Due to the war were not conducted elections. With the dissolution of Austria -Hungary ended in 1918, the short history of Parliament.
