
Dievturi, also Dievturība (" trust in God "; lett Dievs to "God" and Turet " hold " ) is a neo-pagan religion in Latvia. The community has approximately 8,000 members in Latvia, which corresponds to about 0.3 % of the total population.

The basis of the Dievturi especially the oral tradition Daina and elements from the folklore. The " Catechism " of Dievturi is the Catechism Teoforii. Addition, there are also historical and archaeological sources.

Dievturi in 1925 by the artist, historian and archaeologist Ernest Brastiņš ( 1892-1942 ) founded and registered in 1926 by the " Department of Spiritual Affairs " of the former Republic of Latvia. After the occupation of Latvia by the Soviet exiles founded a number of smaller groups abroad. 1990 Dievturi was officially refounded by Edward Detlavs ( 1919-1992 ).

See also
