Digital Prototyping

Digital Prototyping is a native of the American term from the field of mechanical engineering; he refers to a procedure in the technical development. With Digital Prototyping development time is shortened from new products, reducing the cost of development and the quality of the products can be improved.

The basic idea of the method is to test the necessary for functional testing of new developments prototypes or test samples less than physical prototypes, but rather as a "virtual" or " digital prototypes " that is, to consider as computer models.

The foundation for Digital Prototyping represents a 3D CAD model of the product dar. Based on this 3D model can with computational methods such as the multi-body simulation ( kinematic and dynamic simulation ), finite element method, visualization, installation and assembly simulation, etc. different aspects of a product are examined, which would otherwise be verified in extensive series of experiments with physical models.

The benefits of Digital Prototyping are:

An important prerequisite of digital prototyping is the consistency of the data through all phases of product development, ie from conception and design through to manufacturing and installation. This support systems for product data management.

The process of digital prototyping is standard in the development of automobiles, airplanes, and many consumer durables nowadays. The engineering and medium-sized industrial use Digital Prototyping to an increasing degree. One reason for this is the fact that the cost of 3-D CAD systems and other solution components for realizing digital prototyping in recent years, steadily fallen.


  • Philipp Grieb: "Digital Prototyping - Virtual product development in mechanical engineering "; 287 pages, 2010 at HANSER - Verlag; ISBN 978-3-446-42318-3


  • Technical computer science
  • Engineering
  • Engineering Design