Digitale Gesellschaft

Digital Society eV is an association founded in 2010, registered association, which is dedicated to civil rights and consumer protection in relation to network policy. The Association shall notify the Swiss digital society except the names and some subjects no interests in common.

The founding members of the Association are Markus Beckedahl, Andreas Gebhard, Falkensteiner, Matthias Mehldau, Andre Meister, Markus Reuter, Benjamin von der Ahe, Rüdiger Weis and John Weitzmann. The aim of the community of interest is his own words to build a campaign infrastructure in order to reach people who are not internetaffin. In addition Beckedahl gave in an interview to a " more effective advocacy towards politics and the economy " as the goal. The club has currently (as of May 2012) around 30 members. The small number of members is, according Beckedahl, due to the nature of the organization in which distinct structures are to be constructed on an opening of the club.

Main topics of the association are critical of ACTA, Lobby Transparency, Open Data, data protection, data retention, copyright and net neutrality.


In November 2012, the Digital Society has launched a campaign with the slogan "Freedom I'll take you " started to be criticized in the net neutrality violations by Vodafone .. On the campaign website will be delivered to background information.

On the announcement of the Telekom to reduce in the future the speed of their broadband accessibility from a certain volume of data, the Digital Society responded with a further campaign website. There you can held in the telecom style advertising posters provided with their own slogans to protest against the plans of the Telekom.
