
Dilbert is the title character of the eponymous comic strip by Scott Adams. Dilbert is a staff programmers, software developers and middle-aged engineer who in an in cells (English: cubicle ) divided Cubicle works. He is involuntarily single. His trademark is the persistent high- tie.


Dilbert works in a large company, whose products are never explicitly mentioned, but from which it is clear that they are bad ( "Our product Placed last in our own benchmark tests. " Dilbert ). Guided by an incompetent boss, Dilbert is working with his colleagues, especially to Alice and Wally and the Indian intern Asok. Alice is a revised, irascible technician who always their interests through intimidation, curse expressions and acts of violence. Wally is an employee whose greatest talent is, to shirk any work. His lack of respect for the company and the management team, he always brings with a lot of cynicism expressed. Asok has outstanding technical skills, but the intrigues and power struggles in the company shipped hopeless. The boss is a figure without a name. But his hair style has earned him the nickname Pointy Haired Boss English (PHB, " pointed -haired boss" ) is introduced. His leadership qualities are close to zero. Although it lacks any expertise, he has opinions on everything and often presents intractable demands on his project team. He is always on the cutting edge when it comes to technical gadgets, but is overwhelmed with their operation. Just as he is always fixed on the products of his department, without wishing to address the problems in their development.

Other figures are:

  • Carol, the secretary of the boss who hates their supervisors and all other employees and makes as much as possible their lives. The boss has made ​​it clear to her that she will never be promoted above the rank of a secretary addition, although she has a Masters in Business Administration ( MBA).
  • The technical writer Tina, who feels attacked each person someday, when you talk about them or their work.
  • Dilbert mother Dilmom
  • The Dinosaur Bob
  • The hyper- intelligent garbage man / caretaker
  • The demon Phil ("The Prince of Insufficient Light" ).

There is also the staff Ted, who serves as a universal filler, if one more person is required for a strip. Figures, which are sporadic, but keep coming up: Medical Mel, all around him bothered with the noisy presented details of his numerous diseases and toppers, everything can do better than any other ( each statement of an occupant follows an assertion initiated with " that's nothing, I do. " )

Some episodes play in Elbonien, a fictional Eastern European " fourth- world country ", which is used as a parody for the practice of outsourcing in cheap countries with cheap labor.

Animal figures

In the comic, there are talking animals that are partially integrated into the human world of work. The personnel department of Dilbert firm is headed by catbert, a cat whose sole aim is to rule the people and to suppress. Dogbert, Dilbert the Dog, despised as catbert all people, but especially Dilbert. His goal is world domination and the enslavement of all men, of which he makes no secret. He often appears as an external consultant for the company, where he exploits its position to lower its students. The rat is the most good-natured Ratbert of all animals. Ratbert is a somewhat naive optimist who seeks the recognition of everyone and is constantly used as an experimental animal. That dog and cat's self-declared enemies of the people, while the rat is the lovable animal, is in contrast to the typical animal images.

Genesis and publication history

In 1989, the Adams Dilbert, Dilbert and 1993 appeared the first time in a U.S. local newspaper. The comic strips were first distributed by United Feature Syndicate since 2011 by Universal Uclick and appear in about 2,000 newspapers worldwide. Dilbert 1995 was the first by a syndicate brought out internet comic. An e- mail newsletter and a free plugin for Mozilla Firefox for daily Dilbert comic strip are available. The German Syndikationsrechte be at Bulls Press.

2001 Scott Adams commissioned the design firm IDEO to develop the perfect Cubicle for Dilbert.

In April 2008, the site was converted to Flash. After strong protests by the readership an additional Flash-free version has been established.

In Germany Dilbert comics, inter alia, news in the VDI, the member journal of the Association of German Engineers.

Books (selection)

  • The Dilbert Principle, Scott Adams, Landsberg March 1997, ISBN 3- 478-35630 -X
  • Dogbert 's Top Secret Management Handbook, Scott Adams, ISBN 0-88730-881-3 (English), ISBN 3- 478-34140 -X ( German )
  • Dilbert Future, Scott Adams, ISBN 3-478-36010-2
  • Dilbert and the hour of Wolverine, Scott Adams, ISBN 3-478-37051-5
  • Sexmaniac, Scott Adams, ISBN 3-89982-209-9

TV Series

Adams produced in collaboration with Larry Charles a Dilbert television animated series. The series includes 30 episodes that aired for two seasons ( U.S. broadcast from 1999 to 2000 ). It is available on DVD in the U.S. and was broadcast in Germany in the pay-TV channel Premiere and the cable channel Tele 5. Currently she can be seen on the pay- TV channel Animax.
