Direct election

Direct-dial is the name of an option in a ( political ) office in suffrage directly by the voters and not by a parliament or an electoral college.

In this specific example, the election of members of a parliament direct dial indicates the choice of a single Member ( per constituency ) as opposed to a list of election in which proposed primarily by the parties electoral lists and not individual persons are elected. Mandates that are based on a direct vote in this sense, direct mandates are called. The immediacy of choice is, however ( according to German law ) remains intact over a list choice when the candidates are known on the lists and their order before the election or be determined by the voters.

In the early 19th century, when parliaments have been set up in more and more countries, was chosen the deputies mostly indirect. This means that the voter was a primary voters. The primary voters in their constituency or in their choice class chose a choice man. Only this elector or group of electors given the deputies.

The indirect election was seen as a kind of security level. The Urwählern may have been assumed that they were politically immature. An elector had sometimes meet higher requirements, so for example, show that a higher minimum or a higher tax burden than the bear primary voters. From a democratic point of view, such a social filter is obvious manner worthy of criticism. The indirect election contradicts the immediacy of choice under Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law ( for country, county and municipal elections ) and Article 38, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law ( for national elections ).

A major change occurred in Germany and Austria for the communities, as in the 1990s, most states introduced the direct election of the mayor. It means a stronger position of the municipal executive board, which can be limited by special municipal regulations (eg Hessen) but. The direct election is aimed at tightening the municipal administration and especially closer to the citizens, but can in a clear majority, (see cohabitation ), as they often occur after a runoff, cause problems and limited capacity of the mayor.
