Directive (programming)

In computer science is meant by compiler directive ( or English. Compiler directive ) inserted into the source code control instructions for the compiler. The scope and the syntax of compiler directives are different from compiler to compiler and described in the compiler documentation.


C compilers use a C preprocessor that interprets compiler directives. For example, # include to the preprocessor, the contents of the file foo.h insert at this point in the source code. With the # pragma statement feature a property is displayed to the compiler. An example of a property is the annotation of parallelizable code block, if the C compiler supported the OpenMP standard:

# pragma omp parallel for reduction ( : c )   for (int i = 0; i

In the Ada compiler directives are preceded by the keyword pragma. Thus, for example, with pragma OPTIMIZE (TIME ); the optimization program controlled.

The Haskell compiler GHC supports the setting of command line options in the source file using compiler directives. An example is the activation of ghc- Haskell language extensions with the directive is requested { - - # OPTIONS_GHC - fglasgow - exts #}.

  • Programming