
Dirt means something uncleanliness Causal, rubbish, garbage, filth. As a hoard of microorganisms is its removal for hygiene and material conservation is important. Dirt adheres by electrostatic forces, adhesion, mechanical anchoring ( granules, fibers ) or chemical surface modification (rust, patina, verdigris ). Dirt may also include precipitation (acid rain, radioactive cloud), and feces ( mite feces, bird droppings, etc.), urine, tallow and others. In human perception dirt is usually associated with worthlessness and possibly disgust.


The origin of the word is uncertain. The Etymological dictionary of the German language, according to the fits since the 15th century occupied frühneuhochdeutsche smu (t ) z to a set of labels for humidity, which also belongs mustiness, and can with Greek mydao " I 'm wet, perish from the wetness, be used to see corruption. " The Etymological Dictionary of the German supplies it with Dutch and medium Rhine mot " fog " on a supposed Indo-European form * meu -, * mu " damp, musty " back. From the dirt Occupation Smut is derived for a ship's cook.
