Dirty dozen (Stockholm Convention)

  • For the same list of potential ordnance see Biological weapon.
  • For the same war film 1967 see The Dirty Dozen.

The Dirty Dozen as (english dirty dozen ) known twelve toxins (including pesticides, industrial chemicals and by-products of combustion processes ) were banned by the POP or Stockholm Convention of 22 May 2001 worldwide. The UN Convention came with the signing of France on 17 May 2004. All twelve toxins are organic chlorine compounds and are in strong suspicion carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic to work. Your danger is mainly due to possible bioaccumulation ( accumulation in the tissues), persistence (longevity ), high toxicity ( toxicity), as well as the possibility of long-range transport (eg in the food chain or by other mechanisms ). Some of the substances are known as endocrine disruptors. As of 2009, other substances have been added to the Stockholm Convention.

The twelve substances or substance groups affected
