
Discuz! is a forum software. Comsenz Technology Ltd. of is developed. The source code is based on PHP, supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Discuz! is free for private users. A license that allows the owner of the commercial use, costs about 3000 RMB. The current version is 7.0.0. Discuz! is very popular in the People's Republic of China, there mainly in Hong Kong; because the software is officially available only in Chinese language, it is less known in different speaking countries. The work on an English version have been set by the manufacturer for financial reasons, but there are unofficial translations.

Discuz! based on the very popular in Asia XMB.

With version 6.1.0, the forum is now dependent on an existing UCenter installation that serves as an interface for all Comsenz products. Among other things, the user management is unified, so that information such as With private messages and avatars can be used in other projects. Another new feature is the integration of the Chinese marketing service Insenz.


Minimum System Requirements

  • Web server ( such as Apache)
  • PHP 4.1.0 or higher
  • MySQL 3.23 or higher