District 3, Düsseldorf

51 ° 12 ' N, 6 ° 47' O51.2080555555566.7766666666667Koordinaten: 51 ° 12 ' N, 6 ° 47'

The City District 3 is one of ten districts of the North Rhine - Westphalian capital Dusseldorf. It comprises the districts of Friedrichstadt, Unterbilk, port, Hamm, Volmerswerth, Bilk, Oberbilk and suppliant. The shape of districts to organize the city of Dusseldorf was introduced in 1975. The county seat is located in the shopping center Dusseldorf arcades.

Unlike other North Rhine-Westphalian cities such as Cologne or Duisburg the city districts have in Dusseldorf do not have proper names, but are merely indicated by a digit.

The municipality is characterized by contradictions. In the districts of Bilk, Unterbilk, Oberbilk and Friedrichstadt prevails closed perimeter block. The contrast form the districts of Hamm, suppliant and Volmerswerth in which today prevails rather village life. Also in the district is the area of ​​the harbor, on the one hand nor a port from the power plant Lausward, on the other side of a modern trendy district of the city, the media harbor. In Bilk the Heinrich -Heine- University is located.

In the last local elections of 2009, the be -participative in the voting population of the municipality chose to 36.4 % CDU, SPD to 23.3% to 20.8%, Greens, FDP to 8.8% to 7.1% LEFT, to 1.2% and 2.3% REP accounted for the other parties. The district council is dominated by a black / green majority, since CDU and the Greens together have 11 of 19 seats.

Duesseldorf City Gate

Alt St. Martin

House of the Estates

City District 1 | City District 2 | District 3 City | City District 4 | District 5 City | City District 6 | District 7 City | City District 8 | Street District 9 | City District 10

District 1: Old Town | Carlstadt | Derendorf | Golzheim | PEMPELFORT | City Centre District 2: Duesseltal | Flingern- Nord | Flingern -South District 3: Bilk | supplicant | Friedrichstadt | Port | Hamm | Oberbilk | Unterbilk | Volmerswerth District 4: Heerdt | Loerick | Low- Kassel | Upper Kassel District 5: Angermund | Kaiserwerth | Kalkum | Lohausen | Stockum | Wittlaer District 6: Lichtenbroich | Moersenbroich | Rath | Unterrath District 7: Gerresheim | Grafenberg | Hubbelrath | Ludenberg District 8: Eller | Lierenfeld | Under Bach | Vennhausen District 9: Benrath | Hassel | Himmelgeist | Holthausen | Itter | Rice wood | Urdenbach | versts District 10: Garath | Hellerhof

  • Municipality of Dusseldorf