Dithmarscher Eiderwatt

54.2758.9222222222222Koordinaten: 54 ° 16 '30 " N, 8 ° 55' 20" E

The Dithmarsch Eider Watt, officially Dithmarsch Eider foreshore with Watt, is a nature reserve in Dithmarschen, Schleswig -Holstein. The 620 acres include the southern tidal flats on tidal current Eider.

The reserve is located on the side of the Eider Dithmarsch foreland from the Eider barrage to the Eider bridge the highway 5 at Tonning. It lies within the boundaries of the municipalities Wesselburenerkoog Schülp and Karolinenkoog. On the North Frisian side of the river lies the nature reserve Katinger watts.

It evolved from the much smaller ( 19.4 acres ) of nature reserve " Vogelfreistätte Schülper Neuensiel ". This existed from 1930 until 1989. Has expanded the NSG, to compensate for the effects of the Eider barrage on nature, the construction of which had destroyed large mudflat and salt marshes in Purrenstrom the Eider, which led to a significant decrease in resting birds. In § 3 of the Nature Protection Ordinance states: " The nature reserve is the preservation of a wetland in the tidal salt and brackish water area of ​​Eiderästuars with watt and foreshore areas and tied to this habitat characteristic and species-rich animal and plant life, in particular the here resting and breeding Wat - and water birds as well as the invertebrate species occurring here. "

After the breeding bird census of NABU 2006 bred a total of 35 bird species with 2165 station pairs in the area, count the human dominated areas around the Eidersperrwerk, the harbor and the Eider Schülperneuensiel bridge added, you get to 43 species. Dominant species with at least 5 % of what they were laughing gull (22.2% ), Avocet ( 13.9 %), Northern Lapwing ( 10.3%), oystercatchers (9.6%), redshank (9.1%), Meadow Pipit (6.5%) and Mallard ( 5.7%). Subdominant were Skylark ( 4.6%), Reed Bunting (4.2%) and Arctic Tern ( 2.4%), finally influent still Gadwall (1.9%), Shelduck ( 1.2%) and Yellow Wagtail ( 1.3 %).
