Dolores Moran

Dolores Moran ( born January 27, 1924 in Stockton, California, † February 5, 1982 in Woodland Hills, California ) was an American actress.

Supposedly was the cover girl, who worked previously as a waitress at a drive -in, discovered at the annual Elks -Lodge- Picnic in Sacramento in 1941 by a talent scout from Warner Brothers.

Mostly it was used as a focal point in smaller productions. In 1943, however got Dolores have the option to turn on the side of Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins, what they felt was an honor. In 1952 she married 22-year old producer Benedict Bogeaus, which caused a scandal, as his ex-wife took his own life. The marriage lasted 10 years, Dolores had a son. Dolores was seen only in productions of her husband. After the divorce in 1962, it was quiet around Dolores Moran. In 1968, she inherited 250,000 dollars, who gave her a former drive-in customer. In 1982, she died at the age of 58 years.

