Double acute accent

A double acute is a diacritical mark to identify a particular pronunciation of a letter and is mainly used in Hungarian. Here denotes the double acute in O (O ) O (O ) and Ű ( Ű ), ű ( ű ) a longer pronunciation compared to the short vowels Ö, ö and Ü, ü. In Hungarian, the vowel length is phonologically distinctive, so meaningless distinctive.

In IPA and IPA -derived spellings smaller languages ​​of Double Acute identifies the particularly high speaking tone.

Display on the computer


In the ASCII character set of Double Acute does not occur. In the character sets of ISO 8859 family selected character occur with double acute. ISO 8859-2 contains ŐőŰű and the detached double acute U 02 DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT ( ˝).

Unicode can additionally represent any characters with double acute as a combining character by the combining double acute U 030 B COMBINING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT ( ◌ ̋ ) is adjusted.

TeX and LaTeX can represent any character with double acute. There is also the instruction \ H o, which generates a ő in Text mode. In math mode there is no command for the double acute.

( based on it for letters with diacritics, inter alia, see list of Latin -based alphabets )

  • Diacritic