
DownThemAll! or dTa! is a free download manager for HTTP and FTP. It was developed by Federico Parodi, Nils Maier and Stefano Verna. It is integrated as an add -on to the Firefox web browser. As a result, this Download Manager on all platforms Firefox or its offshoots, such as Minefield, can be used. The program is under the GNU General Public License and has already been downloaded 52 million times (as of September 4, 2012 ).


DownThemAll! characterized above all by easy cancel and resume downloads, the so-called multi -part downloading. Also, any content of a web page to be downloaded with one click. The downloads (such as all images of a page ) can also be filtered by type. Since version 1.0b1 support for Metalink has been added. This allows multiple URLs, and other information and checksums for a file to dTa! be transmitted.
