Drawing board

The drawing board ( actually called the drawing board, and occasionally drawing board or drafting machine ) is used draftsmen, designers and architects to create technical drawings and architectural drawings, ie for making floor plans, elevations, sections, and perspective views. The name dates back to the time before the invention of the pencil than with a hard " Reißbley " more scratched than was drawn. A feature of the zipper is the board that the correct angularity of the lines to one another is ensured by means of a mechanism.

As a tool for creating technical drawings, the drawing board was largely replaced in the 1990s by the use of computers with appropriate software and often specially adapted input devices Computer Aided Design (CAD). It is only in a few niche areas of application in which the drawing by hand is still operated. Often the last remaining copy is used in design offices for more than Wall plotted drawings.


There are portable versions of the worktable, and independent functioning as office furniture drawing boards.

A drafting machine consists of the following components:

  • Drawing board ( to A4 often in A0 format, but also to down ) on which the sign is attached sheet,
  • Stand with height and tilt adjustment.
  • Mechanism for guiding the characters head; Two systems are distinguished: the " cranesbill " or the scissor parallelogram and the trolley system for longitudinal and vertical adjustment of the characters head ( car edges parallel guides ).
  • Drawing head, in which again two rulers are mounted - a long horizontal (50 cm at A0 ) and a shorter vertical (30 cm at A0).

Under the artboard more modern drawing boards, there was often a thin metal layer, or the drawing area itself had a metal surface, so that the character sheet or drawing paper could be attached by magnets.

The character head is the most complex single component. It serves each other for ruler mounting with 90 degrees and setting of angles that deviate from the horizontal and vertical directions. Let him mostly in 15 -degree steps, the rulers engage: the long ruler can be adjusted from the horizontal position lift (0 degrees) to 90 degrees or lower but also at 90 degrees. In addition, can be combined with a clamping device of the angles in any angular position set away from the rest. The free angle positioning can be precisely adjusted with a vernier angle to tenths of a degree.

The height of the board, the car height adjustment of the characters head on the board as well as the cranesbill have a weight balance that allows for easy lifting and transporting of the characters head on the board.


The drawing board is supplemented by a variety of drawing instruments and drawing instruments:

  • Tracing paper; this was necessary for blueprints, often provided with a drawing frame and a label field
  • Ink box with ink pen in the pen widths 0.25 / 0.35 / 0.5 and 0.7 mm in minimum ( the even thinner pins 0.13 and 0.18 mm dry extremely fast off)
  • Compass with interchangeable tips and angle-adjustable exchange leg for the most screwed Tuschestifte
  • T-square and applied thereto rulers and protractors ( or a " protractor " )
  • Several lettering stencils ( 2,5 / 3,5 / 5 and 7 mm character height to match the one-tenth amount semicolon strengths )
  • Standards
  • Templates for details such as nuts and bolts, welding, machining, architectural or electrical symbols
  • Tape, tacks, push pins for mounting the sign carrier
  • A sharp knife for cutting sign makers
  • Scissors, scraper blades, Glass Fibre
  • Flexible magnetic strip or other magnets
  • Is on the drawing board for the most part a lamp; so no shadow is cast by the designer on the drawing
  • Then various mechanical pencils with different thicknesses and hardnesses mine, eraser

And the constructive knowledge of the expression of technical correlations according to the rules of Descriptive Geometry and many standards.


The technique of tearing board can be much cheaper than 2D CAD technology. There have also been studies that showed that in the design phase that created paper-based technical solutions were functionally better and more creative than those created on the computer. Reasons to be like that you can concentrate on the essentials of a structure in the scale has a better feel and size can be on a A0 sheet have a better view on the whole thing as this on a relatively small section at a monitor.

One eminent advantage of the drafting machine in the age otherwise sedentary computer work is also the physical activity in the work on the " board " and the ability to simultaneously and effectively working on a drawing, or to inspect this and discuss it with others.

In contrast to 2D CAD technology, as now commonly practiced with AutoCAD, continuously changes without expensive prints or Papierplotts incorporated by the other development process on the drawing board before a final release and a multiplication takes place.

The biggest advantage of a drafting machine is quick and easy to manually create sketches to scale in existing plans and operating principles or existing drafts of technical drawings. This is in addition to the opportunity to examine large and highly detailed drawings, plans and schemes on his personal work and visualize the most important reason why drafting machines are still occasionally to be found today as a large flip chart stand in design offices.


Disadvantages of paper-based operation are undeniably in the poorer accuracy and reproducibility, reduced efficiency and lack of flexibility to respond quickly to complex changes. In addition, no automation or instant digital drawing distributions as in CAD ​​systems are possible.

A disadvantage of the drawing machine is their space consumption of about two meters wide, together with the mobility of a stork 's beak and a depth of usually well over a meter in order to bring the table in the horizontal can.
