Drosera andersoniana

Drosera andersoniana is a carnivorous plant in the genus Sundew ( Drosera ). It was first described in 1909 by W. Fitzgerald.


Drosera andersoniana is a perennial, herbaceous, climbing plant. The shoot axis reaches lengths of up to 25 cm. It forms at the base of a flat rosette of leaves. The leaves are growing on the trunk individually or small groups of 2 or 3 leaves and alternate along the stem axis. The upright stem axis is occupied above the basal rosette with many cylindrical, red glands.

The leaf blades of the basal rosette transverse elliptical, 6 mm long and 10 mm wide. They have longer tentacles glands along the margin slightly concave. Smaller tentacles glands inside. The leaf stalks are flattened, the stem growing, glabrous, 12 mm long and 1 mm wide. The leaf blades along the upright the stems are kidney-shaped, 4 mm long, 5 mm wide and shield-shaped. They have longer tentacles glands along the strong concave edge. Smaller tentacles glands inside. The central petiole is flattened round, narrow, pointed, hairy and 2 cm long. The outer pair is created equal and 1 cm long.

The inflorescence is botryoidal from 3 to 15, sometimes branching at the top of the plant, white to pale pink flowers. The individual flowers are hairy at 4 to 15 mm long flower stems with a few lanceolate continue reading. The bracts are green, hairy, black polka dots, 3 to 4 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. The sepals are green, narrowly ovate, 4 mm long, 2 mm wide, busy at the edge and at the top with pfriemförmigen glands. The rest of the edges and the surface is covered with cylindrical, red glands and black polka dots. The petals are obovate, 7 mm long, 6 mm wide, canceled and easily perforated. The 5 stamens are 4 mm long, the stamens are white, the anthers yellow, the pollen is pale yellow. The ovary is green, spotted with black, almost spherical, 1.7 mm in diameter, 1.3 mm long and has 3 carpels. Each carpel is slightly lobed. The three pens are white, green at the base, 2.5 mm long and many segmented. Each segment is ramified at the top in many cases. The scars are white and easily formed within the pen tips. Bloom time is from August to September.

The bulb is yellow, top-shaped, has a diameter of about 7 mm, a length of 7 mm and also surrounded by a black, papery leaf sheath at the end of a 12 cm long vertical tail. Like all so-called " Knollendrosera " it contracts during periods of high temperatures and relative drought in these tuber back and survived underground.

Distribution, habitat and status

The species is endemic to the area east of Southern Cross and at Hyden in the southwest of Australia. They settled there, loamy soils on rocky outcrops in waters.


Drosera andersoniana belongs to the subgenus Ergaleium, Section Ergaleium, so the climbing Knollendrosera.


  • Allen Lowrie: Carnivorous Plants of Australia, Vol 1, Nedlands, 1987, p 12
  • Sundew Family
  • Insect-eating plant
  • Droseraceae