Drosera cuneifolia

Drosera cuneifolia

Drosera cuneifolia is a carnivorous plant in the genus Sundew ( Drosera ). She was described in 1781 for the first time.


Drosera cuneifolia is a perennial, herbaceous plant that forms a basal rosette. Your root system consists of one to two long taproots. The rosette of leaves reached a diameter of 6 to 8 cm. Not at the top - It has spade-shaped leaves catch with a width of up to 1.5 cm, which are slightly hairy on the underside of the stem. Likewise, three leaf veins are on the underside of leaves usually clearly visible. The marginal tentacles are consistently about the same length.

At the end of spring about 15 cm long flower stems are formed, they carry six to twenty pink flowers. The nearly 1 cm long petals ( petals ) are about as wide as long. The stigma of the flower is undivided. Flowering time in its natural habitat is November to January.


To find this species in the Western Cape region of South Africa near Cape Town ( capensis).


  • A. Amelia Obermeyer: The Flora of Southern Africa, Vol 13: Cruciferae, Capparaceae, Resedaceae, Moringaceae, Droseraceae, Roridulaceae, Podosfemaceae, Hydrostachyaceae. Pretoria 1970.
  • Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Vol 31 (2002 ), No. 4, ISSN 0190-9215