Drosera heterophylla

Drosera heterophylla

Drosera heterophylla is a carnivorous plant in the genus of Sonnentaue (Drosera ) and was first described in 1839 by John Lindley.


Drosera heterophylla is an erect, up to 20 cm high plant with lots of 5 to 10 mm long bracts on the lower part of the plant. It has solitary catch leaves along the remaining stem axis.

The leaf blades are broad kidney shaped with short lobes, 3 mm long and 6 mm wide and outward. Longer tentacles glands are located along the slightly concave edge. Smaller tentacles glands inside. The petioles are slender, tapering and 5 to 15 mm long.

Bloom time is from June to September. The inflorescence sits at the top of the plant and consists of 1-4 white flowers on 2-4 cm long, glabrous pedicels. The sepals are green, ovate -elliptic, acute, 5-8 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. The edges and the tips are serrated irregular. The surface is covered with large, almost sessile, reddish glands. The up to 12 petals are oblanceolate, 10-18 mm long and 4-6 mm wide with slightly serrated tips. 8 to 12 the stamens are different 2 to 4 mm long. The stamens are white, the white anthers and the pollen is yellow. The ovary is green, elliptic, 1.5 mm in diameter and 2 mm long. The 3 pens are white, branch out from a short, raised pillar in many flattened - round segments and form a dense, rounded tuft. The scars are white and are located at each pen segment.

The tuber is white, nearly spherical, with a diameter of about 10 mm and is wrapped in some paper-like leaf sheaths. It is located on a 4 to 6 cm long vertical runners. Like all so-called " Knollendrosera " it contracts during periods of high temperatures and relative drought in these tuber back and survived underground.

Distribution, habitat and status

The species is endemic to the area at Mingenew, Wongan Hills and in Perth in southwest Australia. It thrives there on the edges of swamps and there is often in shallow water. Even moist, clayey areas, pools with granite outcrops and existing in winter rivers are inhabited. All of these habitats to dry in the summer completely.


Drosera heterophylla belongs to the subgenus Ergaleium, Section Ergaleium, ie to the Climbing Knollendrosera.


  • Allen Lowrie: Carnivorous Plants of Australia, Vol 1, Nedlands, 1987, p 28