Drosera whittakeri

Drosera whittakeri

Drosera whittakeri is a carnivorous sundew plant of the genus (Drosera ). It is native in southern Australia.


The plants grow from an orange, rounded and up to one centimeter thick tuber in a basal rosette and reach a diameter of up to 8 inches. The spatulate leaves turn red with age of the plant. It can form underground runners, from which grow new plants of this species. On the up to 4 stalks are white, terminal flowers which are very large in relation to the plant in June / July.

Distribution area

The species is indigenous to South Australia to Adelaide. The sites are all located on different sand or on loamy gravel soils between small bushes or in open woods.


The species was first described in 1848 by Jules Emile Planchon. The species Drosera aberrans were accrued in 2008 ( previously subspecies ) and Drosera praefolia (synonym ).

