
DuckDuckGo is a search engine that resolves ambiguities by questions. A special feature of this engine is the privacy of the users. The Notice was not the original goal, but followed from questions in the Hacker News and Reddit.


Founder of DuckDuckGo 's Gabriel Weinberg, the son of a doctor, an online shop for Tailoring his mother programmed at a young age, physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studied and its database for e -mail addresses in 2006 for 10 million dollars sold. Weinberg holds a Bachelor of Science in physics and a Master of Science. In 2005, Weinberg wrote his master's thesis in the degree program and technology policy on the issue spam.

Less advertising and more relevance was the original target of DuckDuckGo. Even in January 2011 DuckDuckGo was operated by Weinberg alone and then fell on by an advertising space in the South of Market district of San Francisco, addressed the issue of tracking by Google. This unusual action on the road across the Bay Bridge was taken up in the mainstream media of the United States nationwide. In autumn 2011, several investors got in, as the use of DuckDuckGo had increased significantly. Many a journalist saw the turn-off advertising on DuckDuckGo and not a business model. Official business model of DuckDuckGo is advertising that is based on the search terms. The search engine is written in Perl and runs on FreeBSD with nginx.

DuckDuckGo is a combination of meta-search engine and its own web crawler. Having regard to the primary programming interfaces of the major competitors (eg Yahoo! Search BOSS ), the product is therefore described by TechCrunch as a hybrid.

Some journalists called the name of the search engine as inappropriate. When Weinberg was asked for the name, he said:

"Really it just popped in my head one day and I just liked it. It is Certainly Influenced / derived from Duck Duck Goose, but other than that there is no relation, eg a metaphor. "

"Actually, he just came to me one day in his head, and I liked him easy. He is of course influenced / derived from Duck Duck Goose, but otherwise there is no reference, for example, a metaphor. "

Duck Duck Goose ( " duck duck goose ") is a children's game that resembles the game Plumpsack.

DuckDuckGo publishes detailed statistics about the traffic and recorded March 1, 2012 for the first time more than 1.5 million direct searches per day.

The search engine was introduced in the series Elevator Pitch Friday of the weblog TechCrunch and was a finalist in the Yahoo! Search BOSS - Mashable Challenge. In July 2010 Vineyard launched a DuckDuckGo community site to give users the ability to publish problems, to discuss the distribution of the search engine on the net to request new features, and to discuss it, to release the code.

The Linux distribution Linux Mint took DuckDuckGo in version 12 as the default search engine.

After announcement of the monitoring program PRISM queries discrete search engines like DuckDuckGo and Ixquick / Startpage skyrocketed, at DuckDuckGo they have doubled to around 3 million daily. However, DuckDuckGo, like all companies in the United States, the USA PATRIOT Act and is therefore obliged authorities such as the FBI, the NSA and the CIA to grant access to your own server after an authorization from the FISA secret court. The data protection efforts of DuckDuckGo be further mitigated by the fact that the hosting infrastructure is used by Amazon, instead of your own server.


DuckDuckGo is positioning itself on the market as a search engine, in which the privacy of their users is paramount. For this reason, no IP addresses are stored, logged any information about users and cookies are only used when they are absolutely necessary. Weinberg says: " DuckDuckGo does not collect or shares by default any personal information. This is in short our privacy policy. " Vineyard has the quality of its search engine evolve to that search results for companies, which, he believes, pure" content mills " are, are such as Demand Media's eHow, filtered out. There are 4,000 articles published daily, which are produced by independent and it paid authors. Weinberg called those contents as " poor quality and exclusively created for bringing the site to the Google search index far above ". DuckDuckGo tries as eHow - results to filter as well as results with pages that contain a lot of advertising.

In August 2010, DuckDuckGo introduced the anonymous search, a starting point for the cooperation of the search engines with the anonymized network gateway. This allows anonymity by routing traffic through a plurality of the encrypted relay. Weinberg said: " I ​​think that fits right in our Privacy Policy. Through the use of Tor and DDG everyone can now be completely anonymous on the search. And if you use our encrypted website, you can do search " end - to-end encrypted ". " DuckDuckGo is in this respect also accessible as Tor Hidden Service at http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/.

Furthermore DuckDuckGo operates a XMPP bot. This can be added to the contact list of each XMPP accounts and answered queries as the normal site also.
