Dumitru Stăniloae

Dumitru Stăniloae ( born November 16, 1903 in Vladeni; † 5 October 1993 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian Orthodox theologian, writer and professor, member of the Romanian Academy, as well as priests and professing Christian in the time of communism in Romania.


Origin and family

Dumitru Stăniloae was the fifth and last child of Irimie and Rebeca Stăniloae. His hometown Vladeni is a small village in the center of Romania. The family was religious, two of his sisters were nuns. On October 4, 1930, he married Maria Mihu. The marriage produced three children: the twins Dumitru († 1945) 1931 came († September 1931 ) and Maria on the world. 1933 Lidia Stăniloae was born. The only grandson Dumitru Horia, the son of Lidia Stăniloae, was born in 1959. Dumitru Stăniloae died in the fall of 1993 at the age of 89 years.

Studies and career

He first studied literature from 1922 to 1923 in Bucharest, then Theology in Sibiu ( rum.Sibiu ) and Chernivtsi. He continued his studies in Munich and Paris, and later in Greece, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on the effect of the Patriarchate of Dositheus of Jerusalem. In 1928 he received his doctorate in Czernowitz. He then received a scholarship and studied further at the University of Munich Byzantinologie and dogmatics.

At the age of 27, he was appointed professor of systematic theology in Sibiu ( Sibiu). 1932 Stăniloae was ordained a priest. From 1934 he taught as a professor until 1947 dogmatics. Because critical publications to communism, he was transferred to Bucharest and sentenced in 1958 for " conspiracy against the workers' state Romania " to a five year prison sentence. From its release in 1963 until his retirement in 1973, he worked again as a high school teacher. Until his death in 1993, followed by numerous other publications. He received an honorary doctorate from the Theological Faculties of the Universities of Paris, Belgrade, Athens and Bucharest.

He received the 1980 Dr. Leopold Lucas Prize.


1938, he published " The life and teaching of St. Gregory Palamas ," with its elaboration to Stăniloae moved into the center of Orthodox spirituality. In 1946 he began the Philokalia from Greek to translate into Romanian. It is an anthology central Byzantine texts. By 1992, twelve volumes were published with extensive annotations.

In addition Stăniloae has become known through numerous dogmatic works. Wide dissemination found his three-volume Orthodox dogmatics, for the first time 1978, in Bucharest. This tribute to Karl Lehmann:

It is the first complete and comprehensive orthodox dogmatics, which was translated with the support of the Protestant Church and the Catholic Church in the German language.

Stăniloae has over 90 volumes of the Church Fathers translated, 30 monographs written, written over 200 scientific articles and more than 1000 newspaper article.


  • Orthodox Dogmatic Theology I. Gütersloher Publishing House, 1985, ISBN 978-3579001753
  • Orthodox Dogmatic Theology II Gütersloher Publishing House, 1990, ISBN 978-3579001760
  • Orthodox Dogmatic Theology III. Gütersloher publishing house 1995, ISBN 978-3579001821
  • Prayer and holiness. Four towers, 1990, ISBN 978-3878684046