Dusky Megapode

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The Großfußhuhn ( Megapodius freycinet ), also called Freycinet Großfußhuhn, is a 45 cm large Galliformes. The birds have a dark brown back feathers, the head and the abdomen are gray. The skin around the eyes and ears is not covered with feathers. The beak is orange and the legs are reddish in color. There are no gender- specific external coloration of birds.

Dissemination and lifestyle

The bird lives on the coast of the East Indies, North, Northeast Australia, New Guinea, New Britain, the Solomon Islands, Moluccas, New Hebrides and its offshore islands. He inhabits the dense rain forest, scrub, mangrove thicket. To his food include various berries, seeds and insects.


During the breeding season the cock is building a up to 5 meters high and 16 meters wide breeding pile of plant parts. In this the female lays up to 10 light brown eggs, which are then incubated by the Verrottungswärme. To regulate the incubation temperature, removed or coated the bird material on or removed it. Incubation period is depending on the habitat of the animals of 60-80 days. The fully developed young birds must free themselves solely from the nest pile. Then watch and care for both adult birds that breed.


There are several sub- types:

  • Megapodius freycinet renwardtii, Queensland, New Guinea, Lesser Sunda islands inhabited (size: 35 cm)
  • Megapodius freycinet eremita, occurs on the Bismark Archipelago, the Solomon Islands


The IUCN lists this species as a non- endangered ( Least Concern ), although no detailed inventories of species are present.
