Eagle Point (Victoria)

Eagle Point is a hamlet in County East Gippsland Shire, located in the Australian state of Victoria.

The number of inhabitants is 739 ( as of 2011), the average age of 55 years which is thus by 18 years over the average age in Australia. 83.5 % of residents of Eagle Point were born in Australia, 3.4% are from England, 1.5% New Zealand, and 1.4% from Germany. 93.5 % of residents speak English as their main language, followed Italian with a share of 0.7 % and German at 0.5 %.

In Eagle Point, there is the primary school Eagle Point Primary School, consisting of two buildings which have been renovated in 2010.

Economically dominant and primarily the only industry is tourism with neighboring National Parks The Lakes National Park and Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park. There is in Eagle Point two motorhome pitches, the Eagle Point Caravan Park and Lake King Caravan Park. Through the area of the hamlet of River Mitchell River flows which the King Lake, a lake from the group of Gippsland Lakes fed. The Lake King is often provided because of a toxic algae bloom with a bathing prohibition.
