
The activity indicates the interception listening to a sound source or a communication link, to capture its information content. This can be done with listening devices and does not necessarily done acoustically.

Most often, the word " listen " for the unnoticed and often illegal form of listening to a data or telephone connection is used, this process called experts as " discharging " a call. Interception of communications in foreign areas is also called Eavesdropping (English for auscultation, listening ).

Against eavesdropping is possible to use protection against eavesdropping devices.

Other meanings

  • Listening to the playback of saved messages to an answering machine or a voice mail box is also called eavesdropping.
  • You can listen to music in their production in studio over so-called studio monitors used to check on mixing errors or other possible gaps in quality.
  • In medicine, the interception is a form of examination of the patient whose breathing or heart murmur be heard with a stethoscope, the medical term for this is auscultation.
  • A student ask questions in preparation for a test, and can provide the answers.


The listening self is the conscious listening of sounds or conversations ( eavesdropping ) or the intensive attentive listening.

The term has negative connotations, for example when it related to intelligence or governmental activities ( " bugging " ) is used ( Entertainment listen, without notice the speakers ).

Positive connotation it receives in connection with music (" listen to the music " ) or with quiet or exciting recited poems / stories.

More eavesdropper

  • Following the hunter language and the human ears are sometimes jokingly referred to as eavesdroppers ("... now disables times your eavesdropper on ...").
  • When listening to space in search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the work of engineers and scientists is called the SETI project, are in the sought with huge radars background noise and radio signals.
  • Also listening as the interception of the hydrophone is called, which is present mainly in submarines to receive the sound waves in the water and locate where appropriate, to be able to. (Example: a noise that is emitted by whales, propellers noise). The listener or listeners have always pursue their activities during the dive phase.


  • The statement that "the eavesdropper on the wall listening to his own shame " states that, who overheard someone curious, so must expect to experience negative about themselves.