
Ecotourism ( also: nature -based tourism ) is a to the needs of the environment and population -based special consideration acquiring the form of tourism.


In detail, of course, results in significant demarcation problems. Some understand by the journey in relatively untouched areas without the environment and the local people carry negative consequences. Often, however, air travel in natural areas (for example, national parks) made ​​to operate there, ecotourism, which is not total environmentally sustainable.

A stricter definition of ecotourism according to The International Ecotourism Society ( TIES ): Ecotourism is a responsible form of travel in natural areas, which contributes to the protection of the environment and the wellbeing of the local population. ( "Responsible travel to natural areas did conserves the environment and Improves the well-being of local people. " )

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation describes ecotourism as follows: Ecological tourism is the development of the concept idea of sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism. Since environmental impact tends to be limited under anthropocentric perspective on the Human Environment in the German language, although comprehensive actually an intact ecosystem and an appropriate also for wild plants and animals, the environment is required, the view has been extended in ecotourism on ecosystem relationships. Target, particularly scientific and NGO hand, is a " Ecologically Responsible Tourism ".

The word ecotourism refers here generally less on the arrival and departure, but (especially international) to an environmentally friendly behavior at the resort.

For the definition of nature tourism, according to GTZ ( Ludwig Ellenberg ): "It is a special segment of demand, which is characterized in that nature-based activities in attractive natural landscapes, preferably in protected areas, are exercised. "

These include:

  • Science tourism
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • Nature photography
  • Consumptive activities ( fishing, hunting )
  • Sports and Adventure Tourism

In order to operate not only pure nature tourism, ecotourism but the activity should always protect the natural environment in a sustainable sense and contribute to the local population. The consumptive activities is to consider how high the yield per passenger compared to other activities is ( photo safari hunting ↔ ). A question that will probably always trigger contradiction.

The conservation organization PAN Parks Foundation has developed a concept to combine eco-tourism, local economic development and nature conservation in Europe's protected areas with wilderness character.

In the Spanish language may be meant of the countryside with ecoturismo other hand, a mere excursion.

Compared to ecotourism can not only take place in almost pristine areas but also in cities Sustainable Tourism.


The term ecotourism was developed in the 1960s in the United States: Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas did conserves the environment and sustains the well being of local people (The Ecotourism Society 1991). Namibia in 1990 was one of the first countries in the world, the protection of the environment conceded a constitutional protection and since then ecological tourism coordinates of Environment and Tourism by the Ministry created for this purpose.


Mostly it is the eco-tourism to travel into the countryside. She is often damaged by excessive use. For example, whole forests were cut down in Nepal to provide trekkers ( hikers ) with wood. Often so-called eco-tourists traveling to areas that are home to many rare plants and animals. These are therefore at serious risk and have already been eradicated.

Critics of ecotourism indicate that areas that are open for ecotourism, soon draw extensive surveying, including infrastructure development and eventually even mass tourism with all its adverse environmental impacts. Particularly at risk are developing countries with their often very low environmental standards, as they are particularly attractive for foreign tourism companies who want to achieve high profits with low capital investment. They also state that the directions - ignored - often with the highly polluting aircraft.

In addition to that ecotourism itself brings loads for the target area with it. The idea of tourism should help finance the protection of nature seems to make sense, but the bill does not go often: To bring about travel to the spawning grounds of sea turtles, which allegedly whose protection is financed indefinite and perhaps not obvious impairment of the relevant ecosystem with it. Here, for example, would call to the pollution of the habitat of the turtle by the hotel effluents, which are often initiated in developing countries untreated into the sea. The revenue from the diving tourism in Kenya by no means hold on the reefs dying; The environmental damage caused by tourism beyond the park fences and on the way to the gates of the parks ( speedboats, hotel wastewater) must be included in the calculation in full. A nature-friendly steering of increasing visitor numbers will cost additional money that does not give the coffers of many park managers.

Problems also arise in the cultural sector. Are particularly affected insofar as the indigenous peoples, around 300 million people inhabiting an estimated 90 percent of the areas which harbor the highest diversity of species and the rarest species in the world. They were about displaced as a result of ecologically driven tourism projects from their ancestral habitat, by entering the protected areas were denied by fencing them. Since their land rights are legally unstable, tourism is often a real threat to their livelihood represents a similar situation is also found in Kenya's Samburu National Park. The chairman of the Kenya Pastoralist Forum complained that the pastoralists are denied even in the dry season, access to water within the park under gunpoint. In Bangladesh, 1,000 families are worried about access to their forests, since the plan for an " Eco - Park " was known and the Forestry and Environmental Protection Agency declared the settlements illegal residents. The residents of the historic site of Kuelap in Peru are to be expelled from their growing areas and their cultural heritage, to make space a tourist project. The national cultural authority not waived threats and violent attacks on farmers.


The UN chose 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism.
