Edgeworthia chrysantha

Edgeworthia chrysantha

Edgeworthia chrysantha is a flowering plant in the family of Seidelbastgewächse ( Thymelaeaceae ). It is native to China and is cultivated in Japan. Her long bast fibers are used for the production of Japanese paper.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


Appearance and foliage leaf

Edgeworthia chrysantha grows as a deciduous shrub, the plant height usually 0.7 to 1.5, rarely reaches up to 2 meters. The branch is usually trichotomisch, so in three parts. The strong, stocky branches have a brown and while they are young fluffy hairy bark.

The leaves fall off before flowering time. The alternate arranged at the ends of branches leaves are short-stalked. The simple leaf blade is oblong with a length of 8 to 20 cm and a width from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, lanceolate or lanceolate - runs with gradually verschmälernder Spreitenbasis and bespitztem upper end. Both leaf surfaces are whitish silky hairs, denser on the bottom. The 10 to 13 pairs of lateral veins are thin and bent and hairy fluffy.

Inflorescence and flower

The flowering period extends to the natural sites in China from late winter to early spring. The 1-2 cm long inflorescence stem is hairy grayish - white rough. The terminal and lateral, capitate inflorescences contain 30 to 50 flowers. The ten bracts are covered with fine hair.

The stalked, fragrant hermaphrodite flowers are radial symmetry and fourfold. The four sepals are fused Roehrig. The yellow inside and outside densely white silky hairy calyx tube has a length of 13 to 20 mm and a diameter of 4 to 5 mm. The four calyx lobes ovate - lanceolate, with a length of about 3.5 mm and a width of about 3 mm. There are no petals, not even rudimentary available. There are two circles, each with four stamens present. The dust bags are almost oval in a length of about 2 mm. The shallow cup-shaped disc has irregular edges. The Upper constant, unilocular ovary is ovate with silky hairy upper end at a length of about 4 mm and a width of about 2 mm. The bare, about 2 mm long stylus terminating in a spherical scar with a diameter of about 3 mm.


The base of the fruit is wrapped from durable chalice. The ellipsoidal shape with a length of about 8 mm and a diameter of about 3.5 mm stone fruit has a fluffy haired upper end. The fruits ripen between spring and summer.

Chromosome number

The chromosome number is 2n = 36


Edgeworthia chrysantha is native to the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and Zhejiang. It grows in forests and shrub -covered slopes.

Edgeworthia chrysantha is a neophyte in Japan and in the southeastern U.S. state of Georgia.

Edgeworthia chrysantha is cultivated in temperate climates in China and Japan.


The species name Edgeworthia chrysantha was published as Edgeworthia papyrifera ( Philipp Franz von Siebold and Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini on February 28, 1846 by John Lindley in the Journal of the Horticultural Society of London, 1, pp. 148-149 a few weeks earlier: Memoirs of the Faculty of physical Classe Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 4 ( 3), 1846, pp. 199-200 ) and the previously published name has priority. The oldest name for this type, Magnolia tomentosa Thunb. (Carl Peter Thunberg: Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 2, 1794, p 336) was never really used and was formally rejected by Edgeworthia papyrifera sieve. & Zucc. to protect; Therefore, the published Takenoshin Nakai name Edgeworthia tomentosa ( Botanical Magazine 33, 1919, p 206) was also rejected. The name Daphne papyrifera is not validly published: D. Don ( Prodr. Fl Nepal:. . 68 1825) cited " Daphne papyrifera Buchanan - Hamilton " merely as a synonym of Daphne odora. Later commented Siebold ( Ratio Batav Genootsch Kunsten 12:. . 22 1830) the use of " D. papyrifera " for paper making, referring to Edgeworthia chrysantha as we understand it today, but this is not acceptable as a valid description or Diagnosie ( see Article 32.3 of the "Vienna code" ICBN ).

In type - protologue following type locality was stated: "A deciduous shrub, producing bunches of yellow sweet- scented flowers, from Chusan, & c, . from Mr. R. Fortune. Received April 9, 1845 "


The Japanese common name Mitsumata (三 桠, also known as "三 枝" or "三 又" to write ) means " triple junction " and derives from the typical way branching forth. Another ( Jukujikun ) notation :万 瑞香means " 10,000 times auspicious fragrance". The Chinese common name is Chinese结 香/结 香, pinyin Jiexiang. The English common name is " ( oriental ) paper bush".


Edgeworthia chrysantha is used as an ornamental plant.

The long bast fibers are known for producing high quality paper, Japanese paper used. For this purpose, the branches are harvested in the spring or early summer and the leaves removed. The twigs are steamed until the fibers can be abschleißen, and the outer bark is removed. The fibers are cooked two hours with soda ash and then beaten with hammers or treated in a mixer. The color of the Japanese paper is off-white. The branches are very pliable and can be attached to nodes.

The drug of cut roots is used as a remedy for eye diseases.


  • Yinzheng Wang & Michael G. Gilbert: Edgeworthia in the Flora of China, Volume 13, p 247: Edgeworthia chrysantha online. (Section Description, distribution and systematics)