Edoardo Bassini

Edoardo Bassini (* 1844 in Pavia, † 1924 in Padua ) was an eminent surgeon of the late 19th century. With its publication on the treatment of inguinal hernia he set about a century applicable standard for the surgical treatment of inguinal hernia.

Life and career

In Pavia born the son of a farmer, he studied medicine at his birthplace and gained a doctorate in 1866. In the Austro-Prussian War, he retired as a supporter of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1867 a severe groin injury. Addressing this injury affected his career as a surgeon. After years of training, including among Langenbeck in Berlin and Lister in London, he returned to Italy to Padua. There he introduced the aseptic hernia surgery and developed by anatomical studies on cadavers named after him surgical technique for the treatment of inguinal hernia.

In 1890 he published his it applied technology since 1884 and describes 262 performed hernia. In this publication, all 262 patients are listed by name with findings and course description. The principle of its operation technique he describes as " restoration of the inguinal canal, like this one in the physiological condition ". Today we would call his technique as " reinforcing the inguinal canal posterior wall ".
