Edouard Van Beneden

Édouard Louis Joseph -Marie Van Beneden ( born March 5, 1846 in Leuven, † April 28, 1910 in Liège ) was a Belgian biologist and cytologist development.

Edouard van Beneden was the son of parasitologists and paleontologist Pierre- Joseph van Beneden. He studied medicine and zoology.

Edouard van Beneden was a professor of zoology at the University of Leiden.

Van Beneden primarily investigated early development stages of Säugereies (1875 rabbits and bats ), and later with sea urchins and other invertebrates. He described in particular the behavior of chromosomes and the reduction division.

He was from 1874 as the successor of Theodor Schwann Professor of Zoology at the University of Liège. In 1888 he was elected a member of the Scholars Academy Leopoldina.


  • Edouard van Beneden: Les Anthozoaires de la plankton expedition; The Anthozoa of Plankton Expedition. In: Results of running from mid- July to early November 1889 in the Atlantic Ocean Plankton Expedition of the Humboldt Foundation. Lipsius and Tischer, Kiel and Leipzig 1898 E- text at BioLib.de