Eduardo Schaerer

Eduardo Schaerer Vera y Aragón ( born December 2, 1873 in Caazapá, † November 12, 1941 in Buenos Aires ) was a Paraguayan businessman, publisher and Liberal politician. He was President of Paraguay from August 15 1912 to August 15, 1916.

During his tenure, he built from the education system in rural areas and increased pensions for war veterans. He also managed to stabilize the political situation and to initiate the development of fallow management. He was replaced in 1916 by Manuel Franco and remained until 1921, member of the Senate.

In 1925 he founded the newspaper La Tribuna. Because of their involvement in a failed coup attempt in 1931, he asked to leave the country. In his exile in Argentina, he died 67 years old.

Schaerer's parents came from Vordemwald in Switzerland, which is why he also had Swiss citizenship.

  • President ( Paraguay)
  • Born 1873
  • Died in 1941
  • Man