Edward H. Simpson

Edward Hugh Simpson ( * 1922 ) is a British statistician and known by the description of the eponymous Simpson's paradox and the Simpson index.

Simpson came as employees in cryptanalysis German rotor machines at Bletchley Park from 1942 to 1945 on the statistics and wrote the essay on the Simpson Paradox, who made his name known as a student of Maurice Bartlett at the University of Cambridge. From 1947 he was an administrative employee initially in the British Ministry of Education, and later, among others, the Treasury, the Commonwealth Education Liaison Unit and as private secretary to Lord Hailsham (as this was Lord Privy Seal ). 1956/57, he was a Harkness Fellow in the United States. In 1982 he went as a "Deputy Secretary" in the Ministry of Education to retire. He lives in Oxfordshire.
