Edwy Searles Brooks

Victor Gunn (actually Edwy Searles Brooks; born November 11, 1889 in London, † December 2, 1965 ) was an English writer who wrote over 1000 novels and short stories. Brooks also published under the pseudonyms Robert W. Comrade, Berkeley Gray, Carlton Ross and Rex Madison.

When Victor Gunn, he wrote in the period 1939-1965 more than 40 very successful thrillers. Main characters in it were unfriendly, but brilliant inspector William (Bill) Cromwell, known as ' Ironside ' or 'Old Iron', of Scotland Yard and his cavalier, always elegantly dressed assistant Johnny Lister.

The Goldmann Verlag, Brooks Victor Gunn moved exclusively in Germany, called in 1964 a circulation of 1.6 million copies. Today Brooks aka Gunn is not very well known in the German -speaking world.

1963/64, was the German film The inn of Dartmoor on the novel by Victor Gunn ( Original title: The Painted Dog ) with Paul Klinger as Inspector Cromwell. However, the film plot differs greatly from the original novel, so among other things, the character of Johnny Lister was deleted entirely.

Pictures of Edwy Searles Brooks
