Eesti Päevaleht

Eesti Päevaleht is a daily newspaper in Estonia. It is named after Postimees the largest circulation quality newspaper in the country. Eesti Päevaleht is politically independent, but tend to represent a politically liberal line.

Eesti Päevaleht was established in 1994 through the merger of three newspapers Päevaleht ( " Tageblatt" ), Hommikuleht ( " morning paper " ) and the privatized former party newspaper of the Estonian Communist Party, Rahva Hääl ( " People's Voice " ), was founded. Eesti Päevaleht today has on average 32,000 readers, of whom 30,000 subscribers. The newspaper has approximately 170 employees.

Eesti Päevaleht owned 50 % of the Estonian entrepreneurs Hans H. Luik (AS Eesti Ekspress Grupp) and Jaan Manitski ( Vivarone OÜ ). Part of the Group is the main weekly newspaper in the country, Eesti Ekspress. To the same group belong, among others also the largest tabloid Estonia, Õhtuleht that certain rural Maaleht newspaper, a book publisher, a digital photo archive Pressifoto and the free newspaper Linnaleht that appears in Estonian and Russian.
