
Eğitim Sen (Turkish: Eğitim ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikasi, German: Union of Education and education working people ) is a union of teachers and other education workers in Turkey. It was founded on 23 January 1995 as a merger of the education unions Eğitim - İş and EGIT - Sen and is a member of the trade union confederation KESK and Education International.

Prohibition proceedings

In 2004, a ban the largest educational organization in the country has been initiated. Was justified this decision with the organization statutes, which " ... the defense of [ the right] of individuals to receive education in their mother tongue" calls. It was alleged that the organization is contrary to this statement of Article 42 of the Turkish Constitution, which stipulates that Turkish citizens could be taught any other language in the education and schools as their first language and taught as Turkish .. The organization was invited to the incriminated sentence to be deleted from its statutes. This leaning Eğitim Sen, however, on the grounds that this was not compatible with a membership in the European Union.

After a long and contentious dispute raised on 25 May 2005, the " Great Plenary " the Court of Cassation, the judgment of the Labour Court to which had rejected a ban, and sent the case back to the instance. In a new judgment, the Labour Court set aside the Court of Cassation and the was no place the ban request.

The Eğitim Sen has now removed the controversial passage of the Statute.

In 2008, the official website of the organization for some time been banned at the request of Adnan Oktar in Turkey because the Eğitim Sen had there issued a press release which criticized the ( free ) distribution of the creationist "Atlas of Creation" in Turkish schools by Adnan Oktar.

Judgments of the ECtHR

The European Court of Human Rights has certified in at least one decision members of the union that their right was restricted to freedom of association. In September 2009, Ahmet Seyhan and Saime Özcan, in the case of Güldeniz Kaya decided that both the Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights ( ECHR ) and Article 13 of the ECHR have been violated.

On September 25, 2012, the ECHR issued its judgment on the application for the prohibition of Eğitim -Sen. The decision said: " Eğitim -Sen was founded in Ankara on 13 January 1995 According to the union has 167,000 members, which is divided into 90 sections in 430 cities it is KESK ( Kamu Emekçileri Sendikaları Konfederasyonu ). . confederation of trade unions connected in the public sector ... " As for the request to ban the union, the court Meining that" mean the planned action against the complainant interference by the national authorities with his right to freedom of assembly. " The court decided unanimously that Article 10 and 11 of the ECHR were violated and ordered a compensation of 7,500 euros.
