Egremont Russet

Egremont Russet is a variety of apple. After Gala, Cox Orange and Bramley is one of the four varieties that are grown in England nor in commercial orchards. It is mainly used as an eating apple, and occasionally cultivated in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The medium-sized apple has a greenish yellow color in the fall, he takes on a golden color, up to half is reddish - brown covered. A large part of the surface is russeted. The flavor is nutty, storable in cool storage is he is from October to December. He is counted in the group of horror rennet apples.

The trees are small to medium in size with gorgeous blooming flowers. They grow well in colder climates with high rainfall. Its yield is high and regular. It is best to grow the tree in the sun but also tolerates partial shade. The apple needs a well drained soil in a protected spot. The apple is resistant to apple scab and somewhat susceptible to fire blight and bitter pit.

It is marketed primarily as " other apple ", which distinctively sets itself already in the outer of the other commercially popular varieties. He is clearly russeted and has a dry pulp. In Germany, the Research Institute for Fruit Growing took the apple in 1960 in their cultivation trial, but did not recommend him.

The apple won a 1980 Award of Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993 and an Award of Garden Merit.

