
As the ejecta blanket is called a deposit of ejection materials to be an impact crater or a volcano.


When impact ( impact ) of a small celestial body on the surface of a larger, for example, the impact of a meteoroid ( asteroid or comet ) on the earth's surface, a crater formed by explosive ejection of material. The case ejected materials are called ejecta.

The deposition of ejecta occurs after the impact, at least in part, by free flight of the ejected material, ie as " ballistic sedimentation ". A continuous blanket of ejection materials - - This so-called " continuous ejecta blanket " forms of the impact crater. If the material contains larger chunks, it can also result in the formation of secondary craters.

When caused by volcanoes Ejektadecken is ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions and lava rock material. Store, for example, as tuff or lapilli around the volcano and form a closed ceiling, which can be several meters thick, in some cases, several tens of meters.
