El Sobrante, California

Contra Costa County


El Sobrante is a city in Contra Costa County in the U.S. state of California, United States, with 11,300 inhabitants ( 2004).


The geographic coordinates are: 37.98 ° N, 122.29 ° West. Thus, the city is located in the metropolitan area of San Francisco and is bordered to the east of Richmond. In the east, the city is the San Pablo Reservoir Park land in the southwest of the San Pablo Ridge, northeast the Sobrante Ridge. El Sobrante is located about 50 m above sea level. The metropolitan area has a size of 8.0 km ².


The area was first settled by the Huchiun Indians, who are among the around the San Francisco Bay settled Ohlone tribes. With the arrival of the whites forced proselytizing done by the mission station in San Francisco. When Mexico in the early 19th century. gained independence from Spain, were also Huchiun who had been imprisoned or enslaved by the Spaniards in San Francisco, released into the wild; their property but the whites had in the meantime acquired. It originated in the area two large estates: the Rancho de San Pablo and the Rancho El Sobrante. 1848 was California to the United States. At the beginning of the 20th century. the two ranches were divided into small plots and sold to settlers. With the growth of San Francisco El Sobrante also developed into a typical suburban community with a high proportion of commuters.


The population of El Sobrante is made up as follows: 60.4 % White, 15.6% Hispanics, 12.2% Black, 12.5 % Asian, 2.4% Native American. As a country of origin of the ancestors specify: Germany 11.2%, 10.3% Irish, 7.3 % England, 6.4% Italy. The average per capita income is $ 24,525. 9.5 % of the population live below the poverty line.


El Sobrante has in public schools through junior high and four elementary schools, private schools have a Waldorf school and two church-run schools.

  • Location in California
  • Place in North America
  • Contra Costa County