El Tocuyo

El tocuyo on the map of Venezuela

El tocuyo is a city, administrative headquarters of the district Morán, in the state of Lara, Venezuela.

El tocuyo is located in a fertile valley between mountains, which form a part of the northern Andes foothills.

The tocuyo River flows through this city.


The Guayones, a tribe of Jirajara group, living in the region when the Europeans arrived. The region was densely populated and agriculturally very productive.

At the time of Welser- rule, the European settlers concentrated in Venezuela Coro, on the coast. The Coro region was very dry and hardly fruitful. Since the Welser There were armed with trains in search of El Dorado, the Spaniard Juan de Carnaval, settlers from Coro to El tocuyo area decided to lead, to found a Spanish settlement.

El tocuyo was the administrative seat of the province of Venezuela 1546-1548.


Agriculture is the main engine of the region. Nestlé has a branch in the city.


There is a public library, the library Alcides Losada.


  • Olier, Janett ( Editora ). 1995th El tocuyo 450 años. J & Eme Editores S. A. Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • Troconis de Veracoechea, Hermila. In 1984. "Historia de El tocuyo Colonial ", Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ediciones de la Biblioteca, Caracas.