Elymus caninus

Dog- wheatgrass ( Elymus caninus )

The dog - couch grass ( Elymus caninus ) belongs to the genus of couch grass.


The dog - couch grass is 50-100 cm high and has no offshoots. The leaves are 4-7 (-12) mm wide, at margins rough, thin, scarcely striate, upper side matt, shiny undersides. The ears are short and rigid, 1 mm long. The ligule is 1 mm long, trimmed and finely denticulate. The spikelets are single, are sessile, 1 -6- flowered, 0.8-2 cm long, placed in a terminal spike, with the width of the axis. The lemma has a (0.7) 1-2.5 cm long, often tortuous awn. The ear is flaccid and about eigend. Bloom time is June to August.


One finds the dog - couch grass fairly common in woodland, in the reeds can, at banks, forest trails or in shock. She prefers to sickernasse fresh, rich, loose loam and clay soils. After Ellenberg it is a weak acid and weak base pointer, an outspoken nitrogen pointer and a Verbandscharakterart of alder and Edellaubauenwälder ( Alno - Ulmion ).
