Emil Riebeck

Emil Riebeck ( born June 11, 1853 in Leau, † June 22, 1885 in Feldkirch ) was a German chemist, anthropologist, mineralogist, naturalist and collector. The mineral riebeckite bears his name.

The son of industrialist Carl Adolf Riebeck studied natural sciences, especially chemistry in Karlsruhe, Leipzig and Freiburg in Karlsruhe, he became a member of the Corps Franconia. In 1880, he was with the work " Contributions to the knowledge of Pyropissits " Dr. phil. doctorate. Riebeck traveled repeatedly North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In 1881 he undertook with Georg Schweinfurth an expedition to Socotra. On behalf of Adolf Bastian, he traveled to the hills of Chittagong in 1882 in what is now Bangladesh. 1884 Emil Riebeck financed the expedition Gottlob Krause to the Niger, and Chad Binue.

Riebeck put on an extensive collection of art and crafts items from East Asia, India, Arabia and Africa, which today befundet in various museums i9n Berlin, Dresden, Vienna and Weimar.
