Endless Summer (Oceana song)

June 4, 2012

Endless Summer is a song by German singer Oceana. It was published in 2012 as the official single for the 2012 European Football Championship.

The song reached # 5 on the German charts and number 6 in the Swiss charts and number 17 Austrian charts. He came especially through the Euro 2012 in the charts of other European countries.


Oceana said to choose from that you have availed their existing awareness in the Eastern European countries:

"Of course, whatever belongs to all a bit of luck. The competition was of course great. I had many appearances before all this important UEFA people and football people. But I also think that I really benefited from that I am very well known in Poland and Ukraine already. "


Oceana sang the song live at the opening ceremony and at the final show of the European Championship in Kiev.

