Energy storage#Hydrogen

The term Power to Liquid ( German as: "Electrical energy to liquid"), you understand different technical processes, all of which have the production of liquid fuels to the destination.

Process Description

Liquefaction of EE- gas

EE- gas, which is obtained from the power-to - gas process, is liquefied in a subsequent process step. It is compared with the pure power-to - gas process, even if necessary additional energy, but the liquefied gas thus obtained may, as well as liquid natural gas may be transported more easily depending on the type of the transport path than is possible in the gaseous form.

Biotechnological process

A slightly different use of the term power -to-liquid, which also is related to renewable energy, one finds in Scientific American, where end-March 2012, an article entitled microbes help in the conversion of solar energy into liquid fuel (Solar Power to Liquid Fuel ) has been released. It is an integrated electro - microbial bioreactor, described to German as integrated electro - microbial bioreactor that will be able to create with the help of genetically modified Ralstonia eutropha various liquid Butanole such as 1 -butanol, which can be used as fuel.

Fuel production by synthesis gas

A third process of power to liquid due to the generation of synthesis gas (CO and H2) and the subsequent synthesis of long-chain, liquid and solid hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline, kerosene, diesel and waxes), and biofuel. For the synthesis of the Fischer- Tropsch process can be used, inter alia. Starting materials for the overall process are water, CO2 and electrical energy ( usefully from renewable sources). A similar process is being developed by the sunfire GmbH in Dresden and then demonstrated with a test system.


In Iceland was taken in April 2012 an eight million euro expensive power- to-liquid plant. Named after George Olah plant will use 4,500 tons of CO2 annually and thus produce methanol. Both the CO2 and the electric energy comes from the neighboring power plant Svartsengi.
