Enrico Minutoli

Enrico Capece Minutoli (* in Naples, † June 17, 1412 in Bologna ) was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church.

Life and work

1382 he was appointed Bishop of Bitonto, 1383 Archbishop of Trani. In September 1389 he was appointed by Urban VI. transferred to Naples. Pope Boniface IX. appointed him on 18 December 1389 Cardinal. The administration of the archdiocese, he retained until 1400. Under Gregory XII. he was in 1406 Cardinal Chamberlain. In May 1408 Minutoli eventually became Cardinal Dean. 1409 he joined the Council of Pisa. From 1409 to 1412 he was Bishop of Sabina.

His tomb is located in the Minutolikapelle the Cathedral of Naples.
