Enrique Chagoya

Enrique Chagoya ( born 1953 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a born in Mexico, American painter, graphic artist and high school teacher.


Chagoya was partly raised by an Indian nanny, through which his Indian traditions of his country were taught in his early youth. At the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he studied economics and worked in that time in rural Mexico in various development projects.

1977 Chagoya immigrated with his wife to the USA, where he worked initially as an illustrator and graphic artist. In 1984, he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts ( BFA) at the San Francisco Art Institute and received the Master of Fine Arts ( MFA) in 1987 at the University of California Berkeley. In 1995 he was artist in residence in Giverny, Claude Monet house and garden Frankreichim, likewise in 1999 in Paris at the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris.

Chagoya lives in San Francisco, California. In 2000 he was a citizen of the United States in years. Since 1998 he has been Dean and Professor of the Department of Art and Art History at Stanford University.

Prizes and awards

Works in public collections


  • Enrique Chagoya: Locked in Paradise. Nevada Museum of Art, Reno ( Nevada)