Enterochromaffin cell

Enterochromaffin cells (from gr έντερον " gut ", gr χρώμα " color", and Latin affinitas " relationship " ) are specialized cells in the epithelium of the digestive tract. As so-called neuroendocrine cells of the intestinal mucosa to produce certain hormones and neurotransmitters and implement them free. Their name from this heavily granulated cells on the one hand to their occurrence in the gut and on the other their ability to bind dyes and can be stained intensely by them.

Function of EC cells

The enterochromaffin cells (EC- cells) from the small intestine but serotonin, which has mainly effect on intestinal motility by activating the muscle cells of the intestine. By far the largest amount of serotonin in the human body is produced by these cells. For the nausea occurring during chemotherapy Enterochromaffin cells are mainly responsible. Agents such as ondansetron reduce the nauseating effect of serotonin, which is released increases with the radiation treatment.

Enterochromaffin cells also act as sensors, which can be excited by the nutrients in the intestine. You are able to detect flavors in the food and then release serotonin. As a result, rain flavoring substances on a release of serotonin in the digestive activity.

Degeneration of EC cells

Tumors of neuroendocrine cells typically are still able to produce hormones. Due to the uncontrolled oversecretion of cell hormones is goes with typical symptoms. Tumors of the EC cells are a form of neuroendocrine tumors, also called carcinoids. Patients with carcinoid syndrome suffer by the excess of serotonin typically among others from diarrhea and paroxysmal skin redness (flushing ). The exploration of this cancer, therefore, among other things, focuses on the precise functions and genetic fine analysis of these cell types. Physicians and cell biologists hope to gain from the findings to develop new approaches to cancer treatment and prevention.

Enterochromaffin -like cells ( Enterochromaffin -like cells, ECL cells )

The enterochromaffin -like cells of the gastric mucosa stimulated by histamine gastric acid secretion of hydrochloric acid - secreting parietal cells of the stomach. These cells do not produce serotonin.
